Thursday 11 October 2012

Second chapter

2nd chapter- history of oil palm
            Origin the name for oil palm is called Elaeis (Greek, meaning oil). As what I mentioned in chapter 1 oil palm is a good investment and that why Malaysia is the world’s largest producer but since after 2007 Indonesia has become the world’s largest producer and made Malaysia become world number two till now (2012).
            As I know palm oil contain more saturated fats than oils that made from corn, soybeans, sunflowers and importantly is it can withstand to the high temperature especially for extreme deep-frying heat and resistance toward oxidation. So with these kinds of advantage people start begin to commercialize it into cooking oil, organic fertilizer for all plants and many more…
Place to grow
            Most suitable place to grow oil palm trees is tropical jungle that why Malaysia and Indonesia fulfill the conditions and they can become the world’s largest oil palm producer. In Malaysia, the first operated this oil palm plantation by British. And person who brought this amazing plantation are Scotsman William Sime and Engllish banker Henry Darby.

Another prove why it so profitable      
Reference link: after you click on this link you can see that the tonnage of oil palm is keep rising and you should think why this kind of phenomena keep uprising.

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